
History - Mission



Goals + Objectives




"Casa Fairview provides its consumers with an emotionally supportive and intellectually stimulating environment in which to develop themselves to the fullest extent of their abilities. Staff who are attuned to the unique needs of the consumers create challenging programs to enhance their cognitive skills. In response to such enlightened and progressive caregiving, consumers take pride in expressing themselves as competent and contributing members of society."
Richard Vogel, Ph.D.
Consultant since 1971
"Everyone is always getting along so well with each other. I always enjoy being with the whole group. Social skills there are a nice example for all of us, I think."
Arthur Pritchard

"This home excels in providing recreational activities and helping to form and maintain friendships."
Judith Gomoll
Former Golden Gate Regional Center Case Manager to Casa Fairview for 11 years
"When can I move in?"
Kim Botenhagen
Excercise Physiologist
Former Direct Care Proffesional for 17 years